Saturday, January 28, 2006


Sushi Master: Day 14

The exam is now finished and all that is left is the graduation party. The plan is for each student to invite two or three persons, and we make sushi for them, as we would for actual customers. This is the day we start our new life as sushi master and that day is tomorrow. So today is the preparation day.

Dashimaki TamagoWe started by making a Dashimaki Tamago (Rolled Omelet).

Final check Final checkWhile we continue the preparation, we got a final checkup by our teacher, Mr. Kawasumi, on the way each of us was making sushi.

Working hardWe’re working hard...
Watching the othersAnd we’re also watching the other students and criticize them as well.

A new teacher ?Today, we got a new teacher? No, actually, Kawasumi san (his name is the same as the name of our actual teacher, but this is a coincidence), is one of us, a student, but we call him The Master, because he already has his own Sushi shop in San Francisco. He showed us the famous and popular American Sushi Rolls as they are made in his shop.

Crunchy RollHe started with the Crunchy Roll. This is a roll created by Kawasumi san himself, and the most popular one in his shop. It features fried shrimp, eel, avocado and cucumber, with Tobiko (flying fish roe) spread over. Price: US$8

Pink Dragon RollThen here we have the Pink Dragon Roll, which Kawasumi san calls "Barbie Roll". There is Crab meat and Avocado inside, then salmon slices are placed around with slice of lemon on top. Price: US$9

Astroboy RollThe Astroboy Roll. What's interesting with this roll is the Mango. Mango, cucumber and Hotate (scallop) inside and Tobiko (flying fish roe) around. Price : US$6.45

Spicy Tuna Roll and Rock'n Roll Spicy Tuna Roll (left) and Rock'n Roll (right) — Spicy tuna roll is Tuna with Mayonnaise and hot sauce, and Cucumber, with Tobico (flying fish roe) around. Rock'n roll is with Eel, Avocado and Cucumber inside and Sesame seeds around.

our lunch, assorted rollsHere is our lunch, assorted rolls.

In the afternoon, we got to work with all kind of Shell fish.

Miru Gai (1843)(1848) (1856) He is the first, a shell called (1843)(1848) (1856) He is the first, a shell called Here is the first, a shell called Miru Gai
Akagai (red clam)Akagai (red clam) (Patrick’s favorite)
Hamaguri (clam)Hamaguri (clam)
Hotate (scallop)Hotate (scallop)
Awabi (abalone) Awabi (abalone)Awabi (abalone) — This is one of the most expensive shellfish. For example. this one costs Yen 5,000 and we can only make about 10 Sushi with it. Yes, this means that each order in a Sushi shop will cost 1,000 yen !

Party preparationAnd finally, we started the preparation for tomorrow\s party — planning for about 60 servings,

Tomorrow is the final day.

Hello to the Hochner Family! I'm Ana Isabel Gómez, a colombian journalist and I'm doing a research about sushi. I saw you were in a Sushi Academy and I was wondering if you could answer this for me: "Is it really true that women can't 'cook' sushi 'cause they're hands are to warm?" I already ask an expert, but I would like you to tell me if you saw Senseis not wanting to teach a student..? My e-mail is
Thanx a lot! (hoping you see this message soon)
Ana Isabel Gómez
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